
Young Life is made possible by the generosity of people like you! We are a registered non-profit organization in Germany and the United States.
Donations towards Young Life are tax deductible. Contribution statements will be mailed to you at the beginning of the following year.


In the United States

To give online, please click here. If you prefer to wire your gift, please contact us for the necessary information.

In Germany

Give through our giving form:

(Please note:​ Amounts in the "Your contribution to fund the donation form" field are optional and do not go to Young Life, but cover the costs of our partner HelpDirect).

Oder alternatively through a wire to our bank:

Bank: Evangelische Bank
Recipient: Young Life Deutschland gGmbH
IBAN: DE38520604100206601561
Designation: Name and address for your contribution statement + if applicable for which location


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